Born in Tokyo, She began his piano studies with Eiko Yoneda, ending with Reiko Kikuchi Toho Academy (Tokyo). Make singing lessons as well as specialized repertorist. He continued his piano studies with Michel Wagemans in Barcelona where he participated in several courses and lectures with Silvestre String Quartet and Paul Schillawsky, awarded by the fundation Jaume Callis, in music chamber competition "Montserrat Alavedra" and as a member of Trio Magnus.
Collaborate in theater and opera productions in Catalonia, also offers chamber music recitals in Spain, France, Belgium and Japan. In parallel, he developed his educational work at school "Music Hall 7" of Barcelona, Badalona Conservatory of Music, and repertorist department in ESMUC "School of Music of Catalonia" which serves as accompanist.
Often invited to JONC "National Youth Orchestra of Catalonia" to accompany the entrance exams.